May-Grünwald Giemsa Colouring Method

Colouring according to Pappenheim method allows for differential determination of cells in perifery blood and bone marrow. Two neutral solutions are used – May-Grünwald and Giemsa; They do not colour in alcohol medium, instead act selectively in buffer treated water solution, where the buffer starts the precipitation of the colours. May-Grünwald colours acidophilic cells and neutrophyl granula of leukocytes. Giemsa colours cytoplasma of monocytes and lymfocytes and the chromatin of nuclei.

For the whole method, you will need buffer – available liquid and powdered, and Lugol PvP Stabilised.

320070 – May-Grünwald, available 500 ml, 1 l and 2,5 l.

320310 – Giemsa R, avaiable 500 ml and 1 l.

Catalogue number
320070, 320310

Product name
May-Grünwald solution, Giemsa R

RAL Diagnostics


IFU_320070_B_May-Grünwald solution_EN Type: Instruction For Use, Revision: 12_2024

IFU_320310___EN Type: Instruction For Use, Revision: 05_2022